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What Is Judgement House?
Judgement House is a six to eight scene walk-through drama that presents people's choices and the consequences of those choices both in this life and the next. It is an effective tool used by churches and ministries across the U.S. and the world to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who might not necessarily attend a church or hear a Sunday sermon.
Judgement House presentations have proven to be an innovative and effective tool to reach people of all ages and cultures. This outreach involves the entire church community. You work together to use your gifts and talents to provide this powerfully visual presentation to your community.
Why Present Judgement House?
It’s Effective
The walk-through experience can communicate the Gospel to a wide range of people - regardless of age, gender, background, or denomination. It challenges people to ask questions about their own choices, their lives, and their eternity. We are proud to say Judgement House sees 10% of its participants make a profession of faith (higher than most other evangelistic tools).
It Transforms the Church and Ministry
The impact of Judgement House goes beyond those watching in the audience. By getting the entire church and ministry involved, we all become more unified in prayer and reaching others for Christ. We often see a renewed fervor for missions in the churches and ministries that host their own Judgement House presentations. In fact, since its inception in 1983 more than 3,000 cast members have accepted Christ as their personal Savior.
It Is Time-Tested
For over 41 years, Judgement House has proven to be relevant, engaging, scalable, and repeatable. We have partnered with over 600 churches, both large and small. Through our church partners, over 750 million people have attended a Judgement House presentation with more than 750,000 people making professions of faith!
It Is All Based in Prayer
Every successful Judgement House presentation is built upon a foundation of prayer. We encourage prayer teams to follow along with the different groups to pray over their spiritual needs as they watch the experience. A prayer room is always staff with people praying over the production, cast members, volunteers, and group tours. Prayer happens through every stage of the production, from beginning to end.
The Judgement House Experience
The walk-through drama takes place throughout a series of rooms or scenes. With each room, a unique yet tragic story will unfold. Although the scripts vary in content, setting, and characters, all of our scripts leave the viewer asking one important question: "What story am I currently writing, and how do I want it to end?"
The Judgement House presentation takes approximately 1 hour to complete, with new groups launching into the story every 10 to 15 minutes.
Wondering exactly what you will experience in a Judgement House walk-through?
The first three scenes, the audience is introduced to the characters in the story, their home life, and the choices they’ve made so far.
Each character has the opportunity to accept or reject Jesus and eternal salvation. Once their choice has been made, a tragic event unfolds that leads them - and the audience - the the Ultimate Judgement.
The choices of the characters can lead them to one of two places:
The characters that have rejected God are taken to the gates of Hell, where the reality of their choice sets in. Here the audience will see the very real reminder of what it truly means to see yourself as your own savior.
However, we give the audience a chance to see the other side. The group is ushered through the heavenly gates and into the very presence of Jesus. Each member of the audience will have their own moment with Jesus, leading them from being merely viewers to actual participants of the walk-through.
The walk-through drama ends with an overview of the story and an opportunity for the audience members to ask any questions. During this time, we encourage those who have had a stirring in their heart to talk and pray with someone about what they have just seen.