Our Purpose.

Encourage, empower and equip the local church and other ministries with the ability to create a walk-through gospel presentation about people’s choices and the consequences of these choices both in this life and the next.

Man at church, you have been set apart and chosen, Deuteronomy 14:2

Our Beliefs.

The Bible is absolute truth and the standard by which we live our lives. It is the roadmap that navigates our decisions and convictions. Sharing these common values and beliefs are essential for our ministry partners.

  • The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God.

  • God reveals Himself to mankind as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • Salvation is by grace through faith, not by any works of our own. It is a free gift to those who believe in God and repent of their sin.

  • Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Son of God who became man and came to earth. He voluntarily laid down his sinless life to be crucified, atoning for the sins of all men. "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16, NLT)

  • Jesus was resurrected from the grave after three days and was seen by over 500 witnesses. He ascended into heaven where He is now our Intercessor until He returns.

  • The Holy Spirit now abides in all those who believe and acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Reading the bible, our beliefs, biblical foundation