Encourage, Empower, and Equip the local church.
Judgement House is a walk-through gospel presentation about people's choices and the consequences of those choices, both in this life and the next. For the last 40 years, we have partnered with the local church and other ministries in the U.S. and around the world to put on their own Judgement House experience in order to reach their communities with the life changing message of Jesus Christ.
Our goal is to have the gospel presented in a new way so hearts may be turned toward the Lord. This innovative and creative outreach tool has been so effective as young and old participate, seeing the gospel message come alive!
Over 5 million people have attended a Judgement House in the U.S. with over 500,000 people indicating their desire to accept Christ and have a personal relationship with him!
The Judgement House staff and national leaders around the country stand ready to encourage, empower, and equip your church or ministry to present this walk-through drama in your own community. We provide you with a how-to manual, extensive training, new scripts, video tutorial presentations, powerful promotional material, unlimited support, and resources for follow-up once the event is done. Our commitment is to supporting our partners through every step of the Judgement House production process.
Church & Ministry Partnerships
Churches and ministries across the United States and internationally put on Judgement House productions year-round. Find a location closest to you!
Judgement House Locations
Testimonies & Victories
We have seen a great outpouring of support from our partnerships as well as people who have experienced a Judgement House production first-hand. Our Victory Reports give an account of the success seen by each partnered church or ministry. See for yourself the impact Judgement House has over the last 41 years.